A Cold Winter but a Hot January: Nanaya Launch News

A little over a year ago we launched our website with the goal of building a large enough database of personalities that we could continue building an app capable of predicting the future of your love life.  I’m proud to say that we’ve hit critical mass and we’re almost done with the app!

Our goal is to grant early access to users who have taken the personality test and registered after New Years. All early Nanaya app users will receive free premium report features, including our prediction of the best age for you to settle down. After early users have had a chance to try out Nanaya we’ll expand access before Valentine’s Day.

Of course building Nanaya has taken a bit longer than I had hoped, but it’s all for good reason. We have put a lot of time and effort into not just the algorithm but also the design of the app and the features we’ll offer. Let’s do a quick overview of why development has taken so long!

Awesome report features
When we first launched Nanaya, we announced that users would see several scores at the end of the app. We realize that if people are spending about ten minutes filling a form, we better have a great report waiting for them.

Reports will now have four interactive pages: romance, friendship, social network, and personality. The romance page is what we’ve advertised and it’ll be a lot richer in content. We will be predicting:

  • The odds of finding love, which can be broken down.
  • A premium feature will be finding out how many times you’ll have a chance at an ideal relationship in the next seven years.
  • Several romance scores indicating how you compare to others users like you
  • The locations and groups where you are most likely to find your ideal match
  • The locations and groups where you’re in the most demand
  • The ideal age for you to settle down based on all of your inputs to the algorithm.
  • Text report on what you can do to improve those odds based on all of your inputs to the algorithm

For now we won’t be offering the portion of the algorithm that can predict if you should stay with your partner. It’s build and ready to go, but we want to do a lot more testing before that’s released. In the next few weeks, I’ll post again about the other pages.

Support for bisexuality
Getting an elegant mathematically answer is rarely an easy task, especially when it comes to human romance. When I had written the Nanaya prototype, I had not taken bisexuality in account because of the complexities it introduced mathematically. It’s complex because bisexuality is complex. We recognize that just because someone is bisexual, it doesn’t mean they are attracted to the same things in each gender, let alone identically attracted to both. Moreover, everyone interacts with different numbers of men and women. Making sure we can support bisexuality forced us to reevaluate all of the social interaction models of our algorithm.

Focus on fun design
There’s nothing worse than trying a new app or going to a new webpage that just doesn’t make sense, or worse yet, work. So we spent a lot of time time designing how everything looks and feels even before writing any code. Again, Nanaya is a bit longer than a personality test – so we wanted to make sure it was user adaptive and fun. Also, we put a lot of effort into designing reports to be engaging and easy to read.

I know the wait has been long but as you can see we’ve been hard at working making sure Nanaya is fun to use. Stay tuned over the next month for more news and sneak peaks of what the app will look like!